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Useful Information & Links

 Remote Access Solutions
AJM Computer Tech. can maximize your productivity with remote access solutions tailored to you! A simple VPN can keep you connected to the office from at home or on the road...
 Service Contracts Save Money
Don't manage by crisis! A regular service contract can save you time & money. AJM Computer Tech. can help you find & fix small problems before they turn into catastophes...
 Computer Updates & Security
Get the latest updates available for your computer's operating system, software, and hardware. Microsoft's Online Windows Update provides you with a selection of updates tailored just for you! [CLICK HERE]
There are steps you can take to improve your computer's security. You can follow a few simple steps online, courtesy of Microsoft. [CLICK HERE]
 Printer Trouble?
Most printer problems can be remedied easily by the user. Click here for some quick fixes you can try before calling for help...

Help is just a phone call away! Serving the New York Tri-State Area, AJM Computer Technolgy Group, Inc. provides complete, single source, turnkey solution for your small to mid-size business. We offer a broad range of services in Network Administration, Security and Design. We'll work closely with you to access your needs and provide detailed assessment and solution. Emergency on-site services are also available as well as regularly scheduled maintenance contracts.

Our technicians are here for you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. AJM Computer Technology Group, Inc. is your single source IT solution. Contact us today & start putting technology  to work for you.


AJM Computer Technology Group, Inc.
12 Valkill Dr.
Poughkeepsie, New York 12601
Phone: 914-643-7249
Email: info@AJMComputerTech.com

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